Exam Essentials Practice Tests IELTS 1 + DVD

Exam Essentials Practice Tests IELTS 1 + DVD
Код товара: 3705371
ISBN: 9781285747217
Издательство: National Geographic Learning
2016 руб.
В наличии
Все характеристики
Exam Essentials Practice Tests 1 and 2: IELTS is our major British English exam preparation series combining exam preparation, practice, and tips. This effective combination of testing and teaching has proved a popular formula with teachers and students. All of the tests are written by experts in the field, which means that students experience authentic exam-like material that is at a level at least as high as the actual exams. A DVD-ROM containing video of a complete model speaking interview with useful tips from examiners and accompanying worksheets allows students and teachers to see exactly what the speaking test entails.
Вес 0,620
ISBN 9781285747217
Авторы: Harrison Mark, Whitehead Russell
Издательство National Geographic Learning
Год издания 2014
Количество страниц 208
Переплет Mixed media product
Язык издания Английский
Формат издания 220x275 мм
Возрастные ограничения 16+

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